Bri joined the GNOHA Team as Program Manager in Fall 2017. She coordinates with local leaders to promote the Put Housing First campaign, and works with partner organizations on the Capacity Building and Shared Solutions Initiatives.
A native of Louisiana, Bri moved to New Orleans in 2009 to attend the University of New Orleans, where she earned a Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts degree in Applied Sociology. During her graduate studies, she began exploring residential experiences of post-crisis urban redevelopment in New Orleans and across the United States. Bri is excited to bring her focus back to community sustainability through her work with GNOHA, and hopes to impact the narratives of post-crisis redevelopment in New Orleans and the state of Louisiana.Â

Leah joined the GNOHA Fellowship Team as a Program Coordinator in Fall 2020. She works with multiple committees in association with HousingNOLA, including the #PutHousingFirst campaign and Workforce Housing Council. She also monitors meetings conducted by the City Planning Commission and Historic District Landmark Commission for policies and procedures pertaining to local zoning ordinances.
Leah graduated from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette in 2016 with concentrations in Film and Creative Writing. Before moving to New Orleans, she worked for multiple film productions under various titles, including script supervisor, production coordinator, assistant director, and producer. She also acted as a community organizer in her hometown, co-founding a femme-oriented creative collective as well as providing collaborative film work for a local sexual assault awareness organization.Â
As an aspiring screenwriter, Leah enjoys listening to video essay analyses on movies and series, particularly on the topic of both positive and negative representation of marginalized voices in media.

Gaige joined GNOHA during the Fall of 2019. He currently works on Resiliency, the Insurance Task Force, and the Title Clearing Initiative.
Gaige was born and raised in Lafayette, Louisiana and studied Planning and Urban Studies at the University of New Orleans. While attending school Gaige learned about Geographic Information Systems and completed research projects public-private partnerships pertaining to HUD’s HOPE VI program for Innovate UNO as well as Qualified Opportunity Zones in a service learning course for HousingNOLA. Gaige hopes to continue a career pursuing equitable conservation and resilient development through planning or policy initiatives.